Sunday, April 13, 2014


My name is Will Christian De Man. 

And I believe in freedom. I am a moral person. I have a high opinion of what is right and what is wrong. This opinion is based upon my personal standard of morality, Jesus Christ. 

You make decisions for your life. I might not agree with them, but I cannot hate you for them. That is wrong. THAT is immoral. 

You could be the worst person in the world. You could kill people, rape people, destroy lives to gratify yourself. You could come home drunk and stoned every night and then beat your spouse and kids. You could swear like a trucker and flip people off. You could be a prostitute or a pimp. 

I wouldn't love you less. 

You have the freedom to make your own choices. So go ahead. But think about this- are you robbing another person of their freedom with your choices? Everyone has a right to make their own choices, but if those choices are going to destroy the life of another, that is wrong. That is immoral. 

The price of freedom is high. But it's a price I'm willing to pay.