Monday, March 24, 2014

Hercules Hansen

This kind of just dribbled out of my fingertips the other day. It something that has to do with the character of Hercules Hansen, an Australian jaeger pilot from Pacific Rim.

He's a rather interesting character. He's a single father and has raised this arrogant jerk of a son, who happens to the be the best jaeger pilot ever to Drift. He's a very prickly person, and has been through a lot, but he's still a good man. 


I haven’t always been the nicest person. But, then again, I was never asked to be. Life is hard. People used to say “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.” Well, life has given me plenty of lemons, but without water and sugar, my lemonade kind of sucks. Life will give you things, but it won’t provide everything. Life can be pretty darn rotten sometimes. It’ll give you things that you don’t want and can’t use, and then you have to scrounge around to find sugar and water just to makes things OK for now.
But hey, you probably don’t want to listen to my life philosophies. Back to what I was saying. I haven’t always been the nicest of folks. Survival does that to you. There is something very human about survival. The will to survive is very inherent to mankind, but sometimes we forget that. We forget it a lot actually. How pitiful the human race must look. We have an air of entitlement around us. We think that the world owes us something. We want the lemons, but we don’t think about the work we have to do to make it into lemonade.
I’m not really nice. You probably haven’t noticed that yet. But, believe it or not, that lack of empathy and kindness is what keeps me alive. I may not be kind, but I am selfless. Don’t get the two mixed up. They are very different. Kindness is treating people well. Selflessness is treating people like humans. Selflessness is treating people like they should be treated. Kindness is treating people how they want to be treated- something that they feel entitled to.
That’s why I do what I do. What do I do? I’m your saving grace, sweetheart. Okay, that probably sounds a bit arrogant. I’m not your only saving grace, but I sure do help out a darn lot. Me and my mates, we’re the only thing standing between you, the rest of humanity and total annihilation.   We don’t mind. In fact, we like it. It gives us a sense of purpose. We like that. Every human has that craving- the want to feel like they are doing something worthwhile.
So, give it up for us! You owe everything you have to us! Your possessions, your family, your future! All of this is in our hands! Every day we risk our lives, climbing into that machine, connecting our brains, melding our minds. We all know that one day, we’re gonna fight an enemy that we can’t beat. But we don’t let that scare us. Might as well go down with a fight, eh?
Have I ever told you about the Drift? It a pretty little thing some techies came up with a while ago. That’s what makes this all possible. You got memories, right? Course you do! Everyone does, unless you’re a mindless shell. Those are what powers all this. Memory is what fuels our war machine. Quite the weakness, eh? How fragile we are- and our powerful. Something so small, taking for granted that gives us the ultimate power. The power to fight the hurricane.
The Drift is memory. It’s yours, and mine, and everyone elses. Without memory, we are nothing. When memories are together, that’s where real power is. When people share memories. The deeper they go, the better you handle. Life is lived on a highway of memory. Not all memories are nice though.
Then again, I’m not a very nice person.

What to Expect

Well, I've done all this before. A while back, me and few friends wrote random things on a blog, and it was fun. Unfortunately, things dropped off and that blog "died" as it is. Turns out, I rather missed writing on that blog. It was good way for me get stuff out of my head and such.

So I'm starting up a new one.

Here's what you can expect:

A little art
A little Lord of the Rings
A little Doctor Who
A lot of references
My nostalgic angst about growing up
What I've been listening to
What I've been watching
What I've been reading
A wide diversity of post topics

And I'm sure more stuff will occur over time. Who knows, eh? I'll try and be rather consistent with posting, but I'm not sure how things will turn out.

"There are some things you can't fight- Act of God. You see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way. But when you're on a jaeger, you can fight the hurricane. And you can win."